Things I Wrote

A Taste of Owen
In this cheeky cabaret, Owen and his friends performed select songs from the many musicals he has written over the years. It included songs from Treasure Hunt, Operation Destroy Beff Jezos and more. He also debuted his stand alone song "The Legend of Beth" which you can watch on the left. Full show can be found here.
Operation: Destroy Beff Jezos
This interactive-scifi-musical-comedy-thriller has had 2 sold out runs in Brooklyn. The Bushwick Daily called the show "thought provoking and drenched in camp." In this innovative production the audience votes on their phones to guide the main characters on their journey to shut down an evil AI overlord. Gallery Here.

This epic two hour musical has been a work in process for over seven years. I has been workshopped by Broke People Play Fest and Theatrescape. It's first public performance was in December of 2023 at Theatrelab in NYC. It follows a high schooler who embarks on a treasure hunt to save his town from a predatory factory, he uncovers twon secrets and learns about his own past along the way.
Treasure Hunt
The Raven
This Commedia Dell'Arte musical is Owen's debut work which premiered off-Broadway at The Chain theater in the spring of 2022. He lead the charge in selecting where the songs went in the show and composed a bulk of the music with help from other collaborators. The plot follows a prince who is trying to save his brother from a horrible curse and much of the lyrics are adapted directly from the 1700s text.